We specialize in buy-side and sell-side mergers and acquisitions due diligence, generally saving clients from six to seven figures per transaction. We work with closely held small/middle-market businesses and private equity groups, including their attorneys, investment bankers, and commercial bankers.
Perform both buy-side and sell-side financial due diligence procedures on potential acquisitions for small/middle market companies.
Provide clients with strategic recommendations by providing financial diligence adjustments.
Every deal is complex, time-sensitive, and unique. Our full-service due diligence team works with both buyers and sellers to identify risks and customize innovative solutions to help you make the most of every opportunity. Whether it’s financial due diligence or tax due diligence, our national transaction advisory team has you covered..
We provide a wide range of professional services to meet your needs.
Perform both buy-side and sell-side financial due diligence procedures on potential acquisitions for small/middle market companies
Analyze accounting methods and financial reporting practices
Assess historical quality of earnings and cash flows
Verify reported adjustments to EBITDA
Normalize historical earnings calculations
Assess quality of acquired assets and completeness of assumed liabilities
Consider and quantify off-balance sheet commitments
Evaluate quality of working capital and calculate working capital benchmarks
Provide assistance with valuation and purchase price
From opening balance sheet audits to working capital adjustments and conversion to Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP), our post-transaction advisory services address potential issues and ensure your investment’s financial future is bright.
Analyze accounting methods and financial reporting practices
Conversion to Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP)
Assess historical quality of earnings and cash flows
Identify and quantify nonrecurring adjustments to EBITDA
Analyze internal controls and systems improvement
Assess quality of working capital and calculate working capital benchmarks
Document accounting policies and procedures